

寰宇电视每当要播下一个节目,有空档时间必放送这一支Satu Malaysia广告歌。一个马来西亚有由DJ Uno填上词谱上曲,并由AMP旗下8个电台的主持人组成的“AMP All Star”演绎one Malaysia。一种声音,四个语言,又是一首特别创作的爱国歌曲?广告中的电台Star DJ认不出谁是谁,青色双人组最搞笑,SINAR频率有个DJ口不离“罩”,特工车队成员出镜,在ERA看见一般同学手舞足蹈,红蓝DJ饶舌最特出,光头DJ做手势也不赖,中文台有菲比做主音,三位“阳光灿烂”DJ帮衬托而已,张开嘴巴却听不见他们的声音,其余4位家族和周末主播却不见踪影,遗憾的是中文歌词部分只占了短短的三四行,画面和听觉几秒稍逝,还说什么11年来傲视全马中文台市场什么蝉联全国收听率第一中文台,还有什么每周拥有220万名听众群,什么全日每个时段全马收听率长胜军,难道都是假象?一时播看,2009年,AMP All Star作品《one Malaysia》。

Oh indahnya pabila Kita bersama
Kau, aku, kita semua Tiada bezanya
No matter whatever the challenge may be
We' will face it together, the stronger we' will be
Ondraga seinthu, endrendrum vazhvom Santhosham neeranthaeram
(Together we come united as one, and live forever, Our happiness is permanent.)

Satu Bangsa Satu Suara Satu Nada Satu Irama
Bersama kita capai semua Satu Malaysia

Rap:Satu Bangsa we united in music
Satu Irama united we stand
I feel the heart of my people when we struggle everyday to be the best that we can
We share the food that we eat, we share the words that we speak, I say what is up? You say ?
apa cerita?You hungry bro? jom makanlah!
We go up, never go down We go up together
我们是一个马来西亚 我们永远在同一个家
Together we are strong团结一起不分彼此
Together we are strong相亲相爱万众一心
United we stay, forever and ever
That's the way it's gonna be

Satu Bangsa Satu Suara Satu Nada Satu Irama
Bersama kita capai semua Satu Malaysia

Bridge Sketch Ean: Dude, JJ! JJ: Yes Ean.
Ean: You know what part is this in the song,
JJ: Yes it is the part where they go 1 key higher
Ean: Okay we will be quiet now okay
JJ: Coz we can sing but everyone else, 1 key higher!

Satu Bangsa Satu Suara Satu Nada Satu Irama
Bersama kita capai semua Satu Malaysia

Eh, dah habis? Saya nyayi bila?Eh engkau dah tua dah.
Engkau dengan aku tak nyayi.Tepuk tangan je.

